А. Тианский «Ars notoria, sive Flores aurei », 1225

Ars notoria, sive Flores aurei

Год издания:
Франция (Северная Италия)
Fifteen pages of largely diagrammatic drawings, approximately thirty-six in all, depending on how their relationships are interpreted (the text calls for thirty-two), are found from f. 10v to f. 17v, most of them accompanied by labels and the texts of prayers consisting of long series of invented names with exotic sounds written in a minute hand in brown ink, while the designs themselves are throughout in red. The text of the manuscript also includes numerous prayers, some of them consisting of exotic names. Manuscript on parchment of Apollonius, Ars notoria, sive Flores aurei. A text in which a direct approach to knowledge is sought by means of incantation. The text of the manuscript also includes numerous prayers, some of them consisting of exotic names.
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